Worrying too much? Can’t relax? Feeling overly stressed? Having difficulties concentrating? High levels of these anxiety symptoms can lead to physical symptoms such as sweating, palpitations, and increased blood pressure.

Is this normal?
You are not alone. The changing hormones of menopause can sometimes trigger anxiety symptoms.
What can you do?
If your anxiety is interfering with your ability to function in your daily life for more days than not within a 6-month period, speak to a doctor about your symptoms and possible treatment options. And most importantly, don’t suffer in silence.
Stay tuned for more offerings to help with mood, coming soon from Alloy.

What’s the deal with anxiety during menopause?
If you’re feeling worried, stressed, or are having difficulty concentrating, you may be experiencing anxiety. Unfortunately, anxiety can be a part of menopause, and it’s one of the more unpleasant symptoms. If it’s something you’re dealing with, you’re not alone. We’ve been there, and you don’t have to suffer in silence.
What causes this?
As you know, menopause comes with an imbalance of hormones, which brings with it emotional changes including mood swings, anxiety, depression, and irritability. Anxiety may present as worrying too much, being unable to relax, feeling overly stressed out, and it can also lead to physical symptoms including sweating, palpitations, and increased blood pressure.
I can’t be alone in this, right?
No. You’re definitely not alone. Anxiety can occur during any part of your life, but it’s common as women enter menopause. 52% of women in perimenopause experience anxiety. You’re at higher risk if you’ve had anxiety before, if you have a history of mood changes before your period, and if you’ve had depression before. It also occurs at higher rates in women with lots of life stress.
If your anxiety symptoms are interfering with your work, relationships, or you’re feeling anxious for more days than not in a 6-month period, you should talk to your doctor about treatment options. There are a lot of things you can do to help manage your anxiety, and you don’t need to deal with it on your own.
What can I do?
First, you’ll want to stack the deck in your favor. Mental health and overall health are connected, so you’ll want to focus on that. Here are some things you can do:
- Eat a healthy diet
- Exercise
- Get plenty of sleep
- Avoid excess caffeine
- Avoid excess alcohol
- Practice self-care
- Spend time with family and friends
You should also reach out to loved ones and find a therapist if your anxiety is getting in the way of your life. Therapists are trained professionals, and they’ll be able to guide you toward better mental health.
Balancing your hormones can also help. Check out Alloy treatments on our product page.